
#1 Tech for Schools

Since 2023

School safety, reinvented for students and institutions

Join EchoSafe®'s mission to create safe and inclusive learning spaces. With our advanced tools for directors, coordinators, and psychologists to not only detect bullying, but also act effectively to prevent it.

💬 100% Anonymous reporting for all students

🤖 Respond better to students with a specialized AI to auxiliate you

❤️ Get Psychological support for impacted victims

📈 Keep track of recent occurrences and talk directly to the students involved

🌎 Join EchoSafe® chat and link with other schools leading the future

Trusted by students and institutions worldwide

Everything related to your institution
In One Place


The future of school safety is here

EchoSafe® is a comprehensive solution to help you prevent bullying in your institution.
We provide you with the tools to detect, act, and prevent incidents in a safe environment.


Repeated Verbal Bullying Incident During Lunch Break



I Am Experiencing Cyberbullying on Social Media Platforms

Under Review


Harassment and Sabotage Within Academic Department


Easy to Use Interface
EchoSafe®'s interface is designed to be user-friendly, fast, and easy to navigate. We support multiple languages and devices.
Speak Directly to the Victim
The victim can speak directly to the coordinator or with a psychologist.
Full History Log of the Incidents
All actions are documented to ensure transparency and oversight by the director.

Give me a detailed analysis

The graduate student has reported incidents of bullying and harassment, which involved public humiliation, sabotage of research projects, and spreading personal rumors. The victim has expressed concerns about the detrimental effects of this bullying on both their academic advancement and mental well-being.

AI Summarization and Analysis
Get concise summaries, comprehensive analyses, and actionable insights. Uncover nuanced emotional tones with sentiment analysis for informed decision-making.

Ready for the future of safety?

Available today.

Get started on EchoSafe®